What we do to help

We help organisations innovate and be the best they can through the application of multi-disciplinary design methods

What We Do

Design as a process

Design is often described as the act of moving from a current situation to a preferred one. We use this statement as a guiding principle to help organizations and individuals innovate, expand or just get better at what they already do. Our way of working means that we can approach any situation as a creative challenge while our commitment to Empathetic Design means we are 100% cross-disciplinary and technology neutral.


In today’s world we feel that technology itself is often mistakenly regarded as a solution in itself, while advances in digital continue to push boundaries we often feel that the majority of the design problems that we face are in essence human. So we decided to become simply designers for people.

How We Help


We love to be creative and we love solving problems and finding solutions, we also feel that when a design problem becomes tied a specific discipline, technology can begin to run the show, something we call the “tech agenda”.

Our aim to address this problem by placing the human element centre stage at all times and allowing that to guide the design process. To do this we use a staged process that starts with empathy and ends with testing.

Used for: Product Design, Service Design, UX, Social Innovation, Parallel Innovation, Incremental Innovation, Organizational Design


Many organizations fail or deliver the right answer in response to the wrong question. The lean Start-up framework is about learning what people really want and continuously testing the vision against the reality. When the core principles of the Lean approach become part of an organizational culture, companies and organizations can really start to flourish.

Used for: New Product Development, Company Culture, Corporate Innovation, Startup Innovation, Breakthrough Innovation, Growth Hacking


A leading innovation programme that incorporates all aspects of Design Thinking including LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® that helps organisations develop their skillset, mindset and toolset. Yohlar is also a level 6 accreditation.

Used For: innovation, Change Management, Digital Transformation, Creativity, Skill gaps, Professional development


Organizations of any size or type often need to either test new ideas or create new products and services. Focused “Design Sprints” help organisations to not only ask the big questions, but also how to solve them and test the results in real time.

This is achieved this using a tried and tested process created by Google Ventures and used all over the world, by everyone from small NGOs to large multinationals.

Used for: Rapid Development, Ideation, New Process and Product Prototyping, Change Management


A facilitation methodology developed at The Lego Group. It’s goal is improving creative thinking and communication. Participants build their own three-dimensional LEGO model in response to a series of questions. The purpose of Lego Serious Play is to maximize the full potential, insight, confidence, and commitment of everyone around the table.

Used For: Change Management, Creative Problem Solving, Team Alignment, Real-time Strategy, Commercial Modelling, High-Impact Decision Making.

Circular Economy

A design-led systems solution framework that seeks to tackle global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. Through the application of our methods organisations are able to define their responses and commitments to the circular economy as a concept using a systematic process.

Used for: Business Model Innovation, process innovation, Organisational Design, Circular Brainstorming, User Centred Research

UX Planning

Using a systematic process to align an organisation’s identity with the user experience at every stage in the user journey. User experience design is the process used to create products that deliver meaningful and relevant experiences to users. UX planning involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating products and services, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function.

Used For: Application design, mobile design, system integration organisational design, experience design

Sustainable development

 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

Used by: Any organisation seeking to align their organisation with the UN Sustainable Development Goals in any way.


Marine Conservation 

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®  was used as the primary method to facilitate the discussion between the team members around what the legacy of the Seascapes project might be. 

Architecture Sprints 

Create the framework for a collaborative design sprint that would involve the design team working on a large construction project. We then helped to deliver the sprint to ensure that standards were met and the core objectives were achieved.

Health Innovation

The Yohlar programme is a first-of-its-kind, level 6 qualification in business model innovation to  incorporate LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and Design Thinking.

Client Testimonials

We asked Phil to deliver a design thinking workshop for our innovation project NE Culture is Digital. He provided a range of useful techniques and bespoke templates for the session. These resources and his strong facilitation provided a great way for our participants to gain a clarity around the challenges they faced as organisations and enabled them to work with partners from the CDIT sector to co-design potential solutions. Great work!


Silbo delivered an intensive one-week programme of workshops on Lean Innovation and Design thinking for the Teesside Launchpad’s FUEL programme with a high level of professionalism and an in-depth knowledge of the subject area. This enabled the FUEL teams to learn the core principles of the Lean Start Up methodology and Canvas models and apply them to their own businesses providing them with the best possible start to their start up journey.


Phil and his team at Silbo are incredible. We have worked with them twice as part of a start-up and a growth course and we are so grateful that we did. We met them really early in our business journey and honestly without their push to a more precise and intuitive way of thinking I'm not sure we would be where we are today. They expanded our horizons and without any hesitation, I would 100% recommend these guys. I really look forward to seeing them help many amazing businesses adapt over the coming months and years!


Client & Associates